Welcome to Bodhi Health and Wellness
Where your goals meet your vision
As an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach and Autoimmune Paleo Certified Coach, my aim is to support you in your individual health goals. We will work together, using goal setting around nutrition, sleep, stress management, exercise, time management and connection, to find a plan that works just for you. I have a special interest in supporting people with autoimmune conditions and children with autistic spectrum disorders.

About Fiona
As a qualified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, Autoimmune Paleo Certified Coach and holding an MBA, I understand the benefits of goal setting and accountability. I have had a passion for healthy living for over 20 years. Along with a daily yoga and meditation practice, I love cooking nutritious food for my family. I have experienced first hand the power that lifestyle choices have on our health and wellbeing. I have three sons and between them there are celiac disease, acid reflux, eczema and asthma. Each one of their symptoms has been reduced entirely or to a functional level using environmental, lifestyle choices. I am very interested in supporting adults and children with autoimmune disease and autistic spectrum disorders to implement new protocols, make conscious choices for their health and manage their symptoms.
I am available for coaching sessions supporting uk and international clients.
What does a Health Coach Do?
When any of the key areas of your life is out of balance, it can mean that others are too. For example, if you are feeling stressed, you don't feel like being active and then not sleeping soundly at night or not eating healthily. When all these factors are present, it can feel overwhelming.
Health coaches help you find a place to start making changes, by supporting you to set goals that align with your stage of change and what is achievable.
The coach will ask you questions that get you 'unstuck' and encourage you to start thinking about the solutions to the change you wish to see.
Health coaches do not tell you what to do. They respect your terms and reasons for wanting, or not wanting to make a change.
Health coaches can also support you through managing conditions, as a result of illness and implementing new protocols for your health.
Change can be hard, even when we want to change. Health coaches are there to support and encourage you through your transformation.
Book your free 1 hour Discovery Call now!
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